Is it my responsibility to help widows and orphans? If your answer is yes, you’re in good company. Scripture instructs us to help those in need, including widows and orphans. However, there is a trap in this answer; when helping others, we’re often motivated by our desire for approval more than by a genuine concern for another person’s well-being. We can’t allow our compassion for God’s people to turn into a way to make ourselves feel better. This is not what God intended. When we are generous, we must guard ourselves against sinning by using that generosity as a way to gain approval from God. This article will explore how Christ’s example shows us the importance of humility when serving others in need.

Is It My Responsibility To Help The Widows And Orphans?

This is an important question that has been asked many times. I recently had a conversation with some friends about this topic, and they decided that it is my responsibility to help the widows and orphans.

I disagree. I believe that helping the widows and orphans is a community issue and should be addressed by the entire church. I also believe that if we all take responsibility for helping these people, then no one will have to go without food or clothing or shelter because someone else didn’t help them out.

My friend thought differently from me on this topic because he felt that his church was responsible for taking care of the widows in their community. He said that it wasn’t their job but instead mine since I lived nearby, which made sense at first glance until you realize how much money would come out of pocket if each person who lived in the community started donating money towards helping these people get what they needed so badly (food).

If you’re wondering if it’s your responsibility to help widows and orphans, you’re not alone.

  • Many Christians wonder how to support the vulnerable in their community.
  • Some people believe that helping widows and orphans isn’t their responsibility because they shouldn’t be burdened with this task.
  • Others feel overwhelmed and unsure of how much support they should give.
  • Still, others feel like their small actions don’t make any difference or aren’t enough to solve the problem.
  • There may be times when we feel like giving up on helping widows and orphans because we feel guilty or ashamed of our inability to do more, but God tells us in Scripture not only to care for these people but also to love them as He does (Matthew 25:40).

It’s easy to look at the world around us and want to fix everything, but we can’t fix anything unless we know what’s wrong first.

We’re all called to love our neighbor as ourselves (Luke 10:27), so if someone needs help with something, it’s up to each individual Christian to decide whether or not they want to step in. But ultimately, the responsibility falls on everyone—the widows and orphans are not just their own issues; they are yours too! So let’s see how we can help each other out!

It’s Part Of Your Overall Responsibility As A Member Of Jesus’ Church

As Christians, we’re called to help the widows and orphans. We can do this by sharing ouf resources with those in need. We can also help by praying for those in need.

  • You may be thinking, “But I’m not rich enough to help!” However, I don’t mean that you need to give money or food (though that would be wonderful). Instead, I’m referring to the fact that we can use our time and talents.
  • For example, if there’s a woman who needs a ride to the grocery store, you could offer her yours. Or if someone needs childcare while they look for work, maybe you could provide that by volunteering at a local daycare center. There are countless ways to help widows and orphans without having much money or food resources available.

Why Does the Church Emphasize Charity?

The Christian faith was founded on the idea of loving God and loving your neighbor.

The Bible says, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Leviticus 19:18)

The Bible also commands Christians to “not neglect to do good and share what you have” (Hebrews 13:16).

Jesus commanded that Christians should be generous with their money, time, and possessions (Acts 4:32-37).

Why should Christians emphasize charity in their lives?

Here are three reasons why:

  1. Christians are called to obey God’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves. This means that we must show mercy and compassion toward them as we would want mercy and compassion shown towards us (Ephesians 4:32; Romans 14:11).
  2. Because we’ve been blessed by God himself with material goods, wealth, or even just health — and therefore should use our blessings for the good of others (Mark 12:44).
  3. Finally, because it leads us closer to Him when we follow His commands!


The answer to the question is simple: yes! You have a responsibility to help widows, orphans, and any other people who are in need.

Remember what Christ said when He was questioned about loving our neighbors as ourselves (Luke 10:27)?

In addition to giving to those around us, we should also be helping those who don’t live near us. We have opportunities every day to show mercy and compassion by reaching out with love and care for others.